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Style & Visual Theme

Custom colors

The primary color is customisable, and is applied to the header and buttons. Although every hue works well, too light colors aren't supported (e.g. works well with tailwind colors >= 600).

class SharpServiceProvider extends SharpAppServiceProvider
    protected function configureSharp(SharpConfigBuilder $config): void
            // [...]

By default, the configured name is displayed on the header. If you want to show custom logo, you can do it with this config:

class SharpServiceProvider extends SharpAppServiceProvider
    protected function configureSharp(SharpConfigBuilder $config): void
            ->setName('My Sharp App')
                logoUrl: '/my-sharp-assets/my-custom-logo.svg',
                logoHeight: '1.5rem',
                faviconUrl: '/my-sharp-assets/favicon.png'
            // [...]

The file should be an SVG, you can customize the logo height by setting the logo_height config.


With the newly added dark theme, it is recommended to use an SVG logo with fill="currentColor" to allow the logo to adapt to the theme, Sharp will handle it for you.

Login form

You can customize the login form with a custom message.

class SharpServiceProvider extends SharpAppServiceProvider
    protected function configureSharp(SharpConfigBuilder $config): void
            // or a direct message
            // ->appendMessageOnLoginForm('Display a custom message to your users')
            // [...]

The custom message is displayed under the form; you can either provide HTML or the name of a custom blade template file.

<!-- resources/views/sharp/login-page-message.blade.php -->

    Display a custom message to your users


You can define an URL for a favicon that Sharp will as a 3rd argument of the same setThemeLogo() method:

class SharpServiceProvider extends SharpAppServiceProvider
    protected function configureSharp(SharpConfigBuilder $config): void
                faviconUrl: '/my-sharp-assets/favicon.png'
            // [...]

Injecting CSS

If you want to inject custom CSS in Sharp, you can do so by using loadViteAssets() or loadStaticCss(). Be aware that tailwind classes may clash with Sharp default CSS so you may define a Tailwind prefix.

class SharpServiceProvider extends SharpAppServiceProvider
    protected function configureSharp(SharpConfigBuilder $config): void
            ->loadViteAssets(['resources/css/sharp.css']) // to load a CSS file built with Vite
            ->loadStaticCss(asset('/css/sharp.css')) // Or to load a static CSS file

Released under the MIT License.