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Entity States

Entity states are a bit of sugar to easily propose a state management on entities. It could be a simple "draft / publish" state for a page, or something more advanced with many states for an order for instance.


php artisan sharp:make:entity-state <class_name> [--model=<model_name>]
php artisan sharp:make:entity-state <class_name> [--model=<model_name>]

Write the Entity state class

First, you'll have to write a class that extends the Code16\Sharp\EntityList\Commands\EntityState abstract class.

You'll have to implement two functions: buildStates() and updateState($instanceId, $stateId).

Build the states

The goal is to declare the available states for the entity, using $this-⁠>addState():

class ProductEntityState extends EntityState
    // [...]
    protected function buildStates()
        $this->addState('active', 'Active', 'green')
            ->addState('inactive', 'Retired', 'orange')
            ->addState('coming', 'Coming soon', '#ddd');
class ProductEntityState extends EntityState
    // [...]
    protected function buildStates()
        $this->addState('active', 'Active', 'green')
            ->addState('inactive', 'Retired', 'orange')
            ->addState('coming', 'Coming soon', '#ddd');

$this-⁠>addState() takes 3 parameters:

  • a key identifying the state,
  • the state label as shown to the user,
  • a color to display.

For the color, you may indicate anything that the browser would understand (an HTML color name or a hexadecimal value).

Update a state

When the user clicks on a state to update it, the updateState() method is called.

class ProductEntityState extends EntityState
    // [...]
    public function updateState($instanceId, $stateId): array
            ->update(['state' => $stateId]);
        return $this->refresh($instanceId);
class ProductEntityState extends EntityState
    // [...]
    public function updateState($instanceId, $stateId): array
            ->update(['state' => $stateId]);
        return $this->refresh($instanceId);

About the return $this-⁠>refresh($instanceId);: Entity states can return either a refresh or a reload (as described in the Commands documentation), but if omitted the refresh of the $instanceId is the default (meaning in the code sample above this line can be removed).

Configure the state

Once the Entity state class is defined, we have to add it in the Entity List or in the Show Page config:

class ProductEntityList extends SharpEntityList
    // [...]
    function buildListConfig(): void
        $this->configureEntityState('state', SpaceshipEntityState::class)
class ProductEntityList extends SharpEntityList
    // [...]
    function buildListConfig(): void
        $this->configureEntityState('state', SpaceshipEntityState::class)

The first parameter is a key which should be the name of the attribute.


Entity states can declare an authorization check very much like Instance Commands:

class ProductEntityState extends EntityState
    // [...]
    public function authorizeFor($instanceId): bool 
        return Product::findOrFail($instanceId)->owner_id == auth()->id();
class ProductEntityState extends EntityState
    // [...]
    public function authorizeFor($instanceId): bool 
        return Product::findOrFail($instanceId)->owner_id == auth()->id();

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