Create a Dashboard
A Dashboard is a good way to present synthetic data to the user, with graphs, stats, or personalized reminders for instance.
php artisan sharp:make:dashboard <class_name>
The Dashboard name should be singular, in CamelCase and must end with the "Dashboard" suffix. For instance: ActivityDashboard
Write the class
The first step is to create a new class extending Code16\Sharp\Dashboard\SharpDashboard
, and to implement three functions:
buildWidgets(WidgetsContainer $widgetsContainer)
,buildDashboardLayout(DashboardLayout $dashboardLayout)
,- and
buildWidgetsData(DashboardQueryParams $params)
, for the actual Dashboard data
This method is meant to host the code responsible for the declaration and configuration of each widget. This must be done by calling $widgetsContainer->addWidget()
class SalesDashboard extends SharpDashboard
// [...]
function buildWidgets(WidgetsContainer $widgetsContainer): void
->setTitle('Sales evolution')
->setTitle('Pending orders')
->setLink(LinkToEntityList::make('orders')->addFilter(StateFilter::class, 'pending'))
As we can see in this example, we defined two widgets giving them a mandatory key
and some optional properties.
Every widget has the optional following setters:
setTitle(string $title)
for the widget title displayed above itsetLink(SharpLinkTo $sharpLinkTo)
to make the whole widget linked to a specific page (see dedicated SharpLinkTo documentation)
And here's the full list and documentation of each widget available, for the specifics:
The layout API is a bit different from Forms or Show Pages here, because we think in terms of rows and not columns.
function buildDashboardLayout(DashboardLayout $dashboardLayout): void
->addSection('Posts', function (DashboardLayoutSection $section) {
$section->addRow(function (DashboardLayoutRow $row) {
$row->addWidget(6, 'draft_panel')
->addWidget(6, 'online_panel');
->addSection('Stats', function (DashboardLayoutSection $section) {
Note that:
- Sections are optional but useful to group related widgets; you can add rows directly to the layout if you don’t need them.
- Rows group widgets in a 12-based grid.
Widget data is set with specific methods depending on their type. The documentation is therefore split:
Configure the Dashboard
A Dashboard must have his own Entity class, as documented here.
Once this class (CompanyDashboardEntity
for instance) written, we have to declare it:
class SharpServiceProvider extends SharpAppServiceProvider
protected function configureSharp(SharpConfigBuilder $config): void
// ...
In the menu, like an Entity, a Dashboard can be displayed anywhere.
class AppSharpMenu extends SharpMenu
public function build(): self
return $this
->addEntityLink(CompanyDashboardEntity::class, 'Dashboard');
// ...
Dashboard commands
Like Entity Lists, Commands can be declared in a Dashboard with getDashboardCommands()
: see the Command documentation.
And like Show Pages, Commands can be visually attached to a specific section:
protected function buildDashboardLayout(DashboardLayout $dashboardLayout): void
->addSection('Posts', function (DashboardLayoutSection $section) {
// ...
->addSection('Stats', function (DashboardLayoutSection $section) {
->setKey('stats-section') // <- define a key here...
->addRow(function (DashboardLayoutRow $row) {
// ...
public function getFilters(): ?array
return [
'stats-section' => [
public function getDashboardCommands(): ?array
return [
'stats-section' => [ // <- use the section key here...
Dashboard filters
Just like Entity Lists, Dashboard can display filters, as documented on the Filter page.
And very much like Commands, Filters can be visually attached to a specific section of the dashboard:
public function getFilters(): ?array
return [
'stats-section' => [ // <- must be a section key
Dashboard policy
You can define a Policy for a Dashboard; see the authorization documentation.