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Class: Code16\Sharp\Form\Fields\SharpFormUploadField

General configuration

First, in order to get the upload part working, you have to define a "tmp" path where files will be stored until they are moved to the final folder. Here's the default:

// in config/sharp.php

'uploads' => [
    'tmp_disk' => env('SHARP_UPLOADS_TMP_DISK', 'local'),
    'tmp_dir' => env('SHARP_UPLOADS_TMP_DIR', 'tmp'),
// in config/sharp.php

'uploads' => [
    'tmp_disk' => env('SHARP_UPLOADS_TMP_DISK', 'local'),
    'tmp_dir' => env('SHARP_UPLOADS_TMP_DIR', 'tmp'),

This tmp_dir path is relative to the uploads.tmp_disk filesystem defined.

Field Configuration


Max file size allowed.


Allow the user to crop or rotate the visual, after the upload.
The argument $transformKeepOriginal overrides the following config which is true by default.

// config/sharp.php

'uploads' => [
    'transform_keep_original_image' => true,
// config/sharp.php

'uploads' => [
    'transform_keep_original_image' => true,

With $transformKeepOriginal set to true, the original file will remain unchanged, meaning the transformations will be stored apart: using the built-in way to handle uploads, it's transparent. Otherwise, see the Formatter part below.


Set a ratio constraint to uploaded images, formatted like this: width:height. For instance: 16:9, or 1:1.

When a crop ratio is set, any uploaded picture will be auto-cropped (centered).

The second argument, $croppableFileTypes, provide a way to limit the crop configuration to a list of image files extensions. For instance, it can be useful to define a crop for jpg and png, but not for gif because it will destroy animation.


Set the destination storage disk (as configured in Laravel's config/filesystem.php config file).


Set the destination base storage path.

You can use the {id} special placeholder to add the instance id in the path, which can be useful sometimes; be sure to read the “Delayed creation” section, at the end of this page if you do.

For instance: $field-⁠>setStorageBasePath('/users/{id}/avatar')


Set the allowed file extensions. You can pass either an array or a comma-separated list.


Just a setFileFilter(['.jpg','.jpeg','.gif','.png']) shorthand.


If true and if the upload has a thumbnail, it is limited to 60px high (to compact in a list item, for instance).


If true, some optimization will be applied on the uploaded images (in order to reduce files weight). It relies on spatie's image-optimizer. Please note that you will need some of these packages on your system:

Check their documentation for more instructions on how to install.


First, let's mention that Sharp provides an Eloquent built-in solution for uploads with the SharpUploadModel class, as detailed here, which greatly simplify the work (to be clear: it will handle everything from storage to image transformations).

Here's the documentation for the not built-in solution:


The front expects an array with these keys:

    'name' => '', // The file name
    'path' => '', // Relative file path
    'disk' => '', // Storage disk name
    'thumbnail' => '', // URL of the thumbnail (if image, obviously)
    'size' => x, // Size in bytes
    'filters' => [ // Transformations applied to the (image) file
        'crop' => [
            'x' => x,
            'y' => y,
            'width' => w,
            'height' => h,
        'rotate' => [
            'angle' => a,
    'name' => '', // The file name
    'path' => '', // Relative file path
    'disk' => '', // Storage disk name
    'thumbnail' => '', // URL of the thumbnail (if image, obviously)
    'size' => x, // Size in bytes
    'filters' => [ // Transformations applied to the (image) file
        'crop' => [
            'x' => x,
            'y' => y,
            'width' => w,
            'height' => h,
        'rotate' => [
            'angle' => a,

The formatter can't handle it automatically, it is too project-specific. You'll have to provide this in a custom transformer (see full documentation) like this:

function find($id): array
    return $this
            function($value, $product, $attribute) {
                return [
                    'name' => basename($product->picture->name),
                    'path' => $product->picture->name,
                    'disk' => 's3',
                    'thumbnail' => [...],
                    'size' => $product->picture->size,
                    'filters' => $product->picture->filters
function find($id): array
    return $this
            function($value, $product, $attribute) {
                return [
                    'name' => basename($product->picture->name),
                    'path' => $product->picture->name,
                    'disk' => 's3',
                    'thumbnail' => [...],
                    'size' => $product->picture->size,
                    'filters' => $product->picture->filters

Do note that the thumbnail should comply to following rules: be at least 200x200 pixels, and more importantly it must apply the transformations defined by the filters if there is some.


There are four cases:

newly uploaded file

The formatter will store the file on the configured location, and return an array like this:

    'file_name' => '', // Relative file path
    'size' => x, // File size in bytes
    'mime_type' => '', // File mime type
    'disk' => '', // Storage disk name
    'filters' => [ // Transformations applied to the (image) file
        'crop' => [
            'x' => x,
            'y' => y,
            'width' => w,
            'height' => h,
        'rotate' => [
            'angle' => a,
    'file_name' => '', // Relative file path
    'size' => x, // File size in bytes
    'mime_type' => '', // File mime type
    'disk' => '', // Storage disk name
    'filters' => [ // Transformations applied to the (image) file
        'crop' => [
            'x' => x,
            'y' => y,
            'width' => w,
            'height' => h,
        'rotate' => [
            'angle' => a,

It's up to you then to store any of these values in a DB or elsewhere.

Using the Code16\Sharp\Form\Eloquent\WithSharpFormEloquentUpdater, you will probably reach a solution like this:

function update($id, array $data)
    $instance = $id ? Product::findOrFail($id) : new Product;

    $this->ignore('picture')->save($instance, $data);

    // Then handle $data['picture'] here
function update($id, array $data)
    $instance = $id ? Product::findOrFail($id) : new Product;

    $this->ignore('picture')->save($instance, $data);

    // Then handle $data['picture'] here

existing transformed file

In this case, the file was already stored in a previous post, and was then transformed (cropped, or rotated). The formatter will simply return and array with one filters key:

    'filters' => [
        'crop' => [
            'x' => x,
            'y' => y,
            'width' => w,
            'height' => h,
        'rotate' => [
            'angle' => a,
    'filters' => [
        'crop' => [
            'x' => x,
            'y' => y,
            'width' => w,
            'height' => h,
        'rotate' => [
            'angle' => a,

Then you'll have to catch and store that if needed.

deleted file

The formatter will return null (note that the file will not be deleted from the storage).

existing and unchanged file

The formatter will return an empty array.

Delayed creation

As described in the setStorageBasePath() section of this document, you can configure the file storage path with an {id} placeholder, meaning that /users/{id}/avatar will be converted (by the field formatter) in /users/1/avatar for instance.

But in order to do this in a creation case, when there is no id yet, Sharp will need your instance to be stored first. To do so, the update() method of your Form will be called twice:

  • one first time without any upload which needs the {id},
  • and one second time only with these fields, using the new id returned by update().

This is usually OK, but in some cases this could lead to unexpected errors. Consider this code where we handle Products with a picture configured with an {id} placeholder in its path:

class ProductForm extends SharpForm
    // [...]
    public function buildFormFields(FieldsContainer $formFields): void
        // [...]
    function update($id, array $data)
        $instance = $id ? Product::findOrFail($id) : new Product();
        $this->save($instance, $data);
        if(($data['price']) >= 1000) {
            $this->notify('Yay, this is an expensive product...');
        return $instance->id;
class ProductForm extends SharpForm
    // [...]
    public function buildFormFields(FieldsContainer $formFields): void
        // [...]
    function update($id, array $data)
        $instance = $id ? Product::findOrFail($id) : new Product();
        $this->save($instance, $data);
        if(($data['price']) >= 1000) {
            $this->notify('Yay, this is an expensive product...');
        return $instance->id;

Here we're using the notify() feature to display a message back to the user, and it's working, excepted in one case: on a Product creation with a picture, Sharp will delay the upload handling and call this method twice, because the picture field needs the product {id} it the storage base path. On the second pass (for the upload), This code will crash on the if(($data['price']) ...) condition, because $data['price'] is not set (only the picture upload field would be set on this second pass). This has to be addressed, and a working solution (among others) could be to replace this line with:

if(($data['price'] ?? 0) >= 1000) {
if(($data['price'] ?? 0) >= 1000) {

Released under the MIT License.